CBSE Math 11 Syllabus
Total Marks 80
Sets and Functions 23
Sets -
👉 Sets and their representations
👉 Empty set. Finite and Infinite sets
👉 Equal sets. Subsets
👉 Subsets of a set of real numbers especially intervals (with notations)
👉 Universal set
👉 Venn diagrams
👉 Union and Intersection of sets
👉 Difference of sets
👉 Complement of a set
👉 Properties of Complement Sets
Relations & Functions -
👉 Ordered pairs
👉 Cartesian product of sets
👉 Number of elements in the cartesian product of two finite sets
👉 Cartesian product of the set of reals with itself (up to R x R x R)
👉 Definition of relation
👉 Pictorial diagrams, domain, co-domain and range of a relation
👉 Function as a special type of relation
👉 Pictorial representation of a function
👉 Domain, co-domain and range of a function
👉 Real valued functions, domain and range of these functions
👉 Sum, difference, product and quotients of functions.
Trigonometric Functions
👉 Positive and negative angles