Coding Bihar

Firebase Email & Password Authentication Part1

Firebase Email & Password Authentication Part1 - Coding Bihar
Firebase Email & Password Authentication Part1

Firebase Email & Password Authentication

Welcome to Today we will learn to create a firebase authentication using email password for our android app. For this tutorial we are using the latest Android Studio Iguana a stable version so I recommend you to use same or later version for better understanding.

What do we need?

1. Go to firebase console and login the email which you use to sign in with android studio.

2. Create a project with a name you wish.

3. Open the android studio and create a new project  and then add firebase project with android app. You need to install some dependencies also.

How to add firebase project with android app?

There are two ways 

1. Firebase assistant

Go to Tools>>Firebase>>Authentication>>Connect to firebase  and then click on Add the Firebase SDK to your app

2. Firebase console

Search Firebase in the browser and click the official link then on the top right side click on Go to console.

Create a new project

Firebase Email & Password Authentication
click on Go to console on top right 
Firebase console
Click on Get started

Firebase welcome screen
Write any Project name what you want
Create Project
If you need google analytics for this project you can enable it but in my case I don't need and then click on create project
Create Project Firebase Authentication
Its processing
Create Project Firebase Authentication step 2
Click on continue
Create Project Firebase Authentication step 2Click on continue
Click on Android as we are creating Android App
Click on Android as we are creating Android App

Click on Android as we are creating Android App
Go to android project and in build.gradle.kts (Module :app) you will get Android Project Name copy and paste here and click on Register App
SHA1 is not needed for Email/Password Authentication so don't need to fill it for this tutorial 
Android Project Name

Android Project Name

Download google-services.json file we will use this in our android app.
Download google-services.json

Download google-services.json
Don't need just click on next and then click on Continue to console

click on Continue to console
Here is New Window where we can use authentication
New Authentication Window
Click on Authentication
Click on Authentication
Click on Get started
Click on Get started
Click on Email/Password
Click on Email/Password
Enable Email/Password and Click on Save
Enable Email/Password
Now We can use Email/Password Authentication in our Project
Email/Password Authentication

Email/Password Authentication users
Click on User there is no any user
Email/Password Authenticationusers details
Now we are ready to use Firebase Email/Password authentication in our Android App. To be continue.... in the 2 Part.
 Sandeep Gupta

Posted by Sandeep Gupta

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