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Firebase Google Mobile and Web App Development Tool

Firebase Google Mobile and Web App Development Tool - Coding Bihar
Firebase Google Mobile and Web App Development Tool

What is Firebase?

Firebase is a tool provided by Google help mobile app developers to build, deploy and scale their apps.

In 2011 James Tamplin and Andrew Lee founded Firebase evolved that provided an API to integrate online chat functionality into their websites but Developers were using Envolve to sync application data such as game state in real time across their users therefore they founded Firebase as a separate company in 2011 and also launched to the public in April 2012. 

Firebase Realtime Database was the first API product synchronizes application data across iOS, Android, and Web devices, and stores it on Firebase's cloud. 

In 2014, Firebase acquired by Google and launched Firebase Hosting and Firebase Authentication. Firebase now integrates with various other Google services, including Google Cloud Platform, AdMob, and Google Ads, Google Cloud Messaging, the Google service to send push notifications to Android devices, Firebase Cloud Messaging, which added the functionality to deliver push notifications to Android, iOS and web devices. 

Firebase Cloud Firestore, a real-time document database as the successor product to the original Firebase Realtime Database was launched In October 2017 and also Google acquired Fabric and Crashlytics from Twitter to add those services to Firebase.

What services Firebase provide?

  1. Gemini API
  2. App Distribution
  3. Authentication
  4. Realtime Database
  5. Firestore
  6. Hosting
  7. Cloud Messaging
  8. Crashlytics
  9. Performance Monitoring
  10. Test Lab etc.
  11. App Check
  12. Remote Config
  13. Firebase Extensions
  14. Google Cloud Functions.
  15. Firebase Authentication
  16. Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
  17. Firebase Hosting
  18. Cloud Storage
  19. Firebase ML
For more information visit the Firebase official blog.
 Sandeep Gupta

Posted by Sandeep Gupta

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