Coding Bihar

CBSE 11 Physics Syllabus

CBSE 11 Physics Syllabus - Coding Bihar
CBSE 11 Physics Syllabus

CBSE 11 Physics Syllabus

Term 1

1. Physical World and Measurement:

What is Physics? It explores the nature of the physical universe, from the smallest particles to the vastness of space.
Units and Measurements: Learn about different systems of units (like SI units) and how to measure things accurately, such as length, mass, and time. Understand THE errors in measurements and using dimensional analysis for problem-solving.

2. Kinematics:

Motion Basics: Understand motion in a straight line, graphing position vs. time, and distinguishing between speed and velocity.
Acceleration: Study uniformly accelerated motion and how to interpret velocity-time and position-time graphs.

3. Laws of Motion:

Newton's Three Laws: Grasp how objects move and interact, covering concepts like momentum, force, and the law of conservation of momentum.

4. Work, Energy, and Power:

Work and Energy: Learn about work done by forces, kinetic energy, the work-energy theorem, and power.
Potential Energy: Explore the potential energy stored in springs and how energy is conserved in mechanical systems.

5. Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body:

Center of Mass: Understand how to find the center of mass in a system and how torque affects rotation.
Angular Momentum: Learn about the conservation of angular momentum.

6. Gravitation:

Gravity in Action: Delve into Kepler's laws of planetary motion and Newton's universal law of gravitation. Understand how gravity varies with altitude and depth.

7. Properties of Bulk Matter:

Elasticity: Study stress, strain, Hooke’s law, and different moduli like Young’s modulus.
Fluids: Understand pressure in fluids, Pascal’s law, and concepts like viscosity and terminal velocity.

Term 2

8. Thermodynamics:

Heat and Energy: Learn about the first law of thermodynamics, thermal equilibrium, and the differences between isothermal and adiabatic processes.

9. Behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory:

Gas Laws: Study the equation of state for a perfect gas and how gases behave under different conditions.
Kinetic Theory: Explore the assumptions behind the kinetic theory of gases and the concept of pressure.

10. Oscillations and Waves:

- SHM: Dive into simple harmonic motion (SHM) and its equations. Learn about oscillations in springs and other systems.
- Wave Motion: Understand how waves travel, reflect, and interfere.

11. Mechanical Properties of Fluids:

- Surface Phenomena: Study surface tension, capillarity, and the phenomena at liquid surfaces.

12. Thermal Properties of Matter:

- Heat Transfer: Learn about specific heat capacity, thermal expansion, and the principles behind calorimetry.

13. Waves:

- Wave Dynamics: Delve into traveling waves, standing waves, beats, and the Doppler effect.

Practical Work


Measuring Diameter: Use a vernier caliper and screw gauge for precision.
Gravity's Pull: Calculate the acceleration due to gravity with a simple pendulum.
Spring Constant: Determine the force constant of a spring by plotting load-extension graphs.
Young’s Modulus: Measure the elasticity of materials.
Surface Tension: Find the surface tension of water through capillary rise.
Viscosity: Calculate the viscosity of liquids using Stokes’ law.
Vibration Frequencies: Study the relationship between the length of a string and vibration frequencies.
Light Behavior: Investigate reflection and refraction laws.

Note : The topics and sub-topics may be subject to minor changes. So always refer to the latest CBSE guidelines or the official CBSE website for updates.

 Sandeep Gupta

Posted by Sandeep Gupta

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